BIOTUFF is an aqueous-based, biodegradable cleaner with an alkaline pH of 11. Only when cleaning aluminum should BIOTUFF be used with extra care. Keep cleaning applications to less than 10 minutes when applying BIOTUFF prior to rinsing.
Combining BIOTUFF with other industrial and commercial cleaners is not recommended as it may detract from the chemical ingredient’s effectiveness. BIOTUFF diluted with tap water can do most jobs.
We recommend using BIOTUFF to spot clean carpets only. Spot soiled carpets first using BIOTUFF then use a commercial carpet extractor and it’s provided soap for best results.
Chelates are organic chemicals which combine with metal ions forming a tight complex compound which is soluble in water. See WT-202 PDF files for more information.
BIOTUFF is ready to work right out of the bottle. It can be diluted up to 50% depending on the application. After years of testing, we have found our products to be more effective when diluted with water even more than many “concentrates.” Therefore, our “water-activated” products allow the end user to use less product to get more done than with other concentrated cleaners
The chemical makeup of BIOTUFF includes many detergents that result in foaming during bottling and sometimes dispensing. The use of a defoamer may be used to mitigate this effect if necessary.
BIO TUFF’s unique proprietary technology, based upon the original D-5 formula has the ability to remove the most difficult cleaning problems and has since 1976. Its greatest marketplace barrier is convincing traditional industries that a cleaning product can be both effective as well as environmentally friendly
Unlike most hazardous chemicals, BIO TUFF is sold in concentrate and is diluted with water to meet a specific cleaning need, thereby reducing the need for numerous cleaners for various cleaning applications. Also, since BIO TUFF is not hazardous, there is a dramatic reduction or elimination of record keeping and permitting. In addition, BIO TUFF can help reduce disposal cost
Since BIO TUFF products contain no hazardous materials, they have been tested non-toxic to OSHA standards. Also, the products are non-flammable, non-combustible, non-fuming, non-caustic and non-corrosive.